

  • 主演:内详  
  • 导演:李柱亨  
  • 分类:剧情片
  • 地区:韩国
  • 年份:2022
  • 更新:HD
  • 简介:  On February 2013, Haleem, born in Aleppo, Syria, plans to escape the civil war and go to Germany, where his sister lives, and later invite his fami..
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  On February 2013, Haleem, born in Aleppo, Syria, plans to escape the civil war and go to Germany, where his sister lives, and later invite his family after being granted refugee status. During the transit in Korea, he is caught with a fake passport and denied entry. He is later sent to Turkey where he is denied entry again, ending up back in Korea. After staying in the deportation room in the Korean airport, he is sent to stay at a foreign shelter, when one day he hears of his son's death and goes into a violent rage, unable to handle the sad news. The lawyer in charge of his case continues to challenge his detention, and the Korean Ministry of Justice ends up canceling his Emergency Protective Order without notifying him. Haleem, who unintentionally stepped into unfamiliar Korean soil, finds himself working illegally at a construction site, where he meets Riyadh, an unregistered Arab resident. They comfort each other's pain and develop a father and son relationship. Haleem, who had saved money to bring in his family to Korea, spent all his hard- earned money paying off Riyadh's father's debts. With the help of Youssef, a Christian Arab, Haleem gets a job at a junkyard and a place to stay. But Riyadh gets into a serious accident and is pronounced brain dead after he is chased by immigration officers. The church elders and ministers plot to use Riyadh's organs for their church main elder's transplant surgery. They try to persuade Haleem to concede by telling him that the church can bring his wife and daughter from the Turkish refugee camp to Korea along with their missionary group. Haleem falls into a religious conflict and moral dilemma, leading other Arabs around him to misunderstand him. A story about a person stuck in the midst of cultural, religious, ethnic, and national conflict.

【迢迢回家路】是由李柱亨执导的剧情片、内详  主演的韩语电影、在2022年拍摄、韩国上映优酷网、腾讯视频、爱奇艺以及高清线路、m3u8线路观看、等高清视频播出、爱看影视提供了迢迢回家路电影、迢迢回家路高清完整版、迢迢回家路免费在线观看、并且还可以支持手机高清免费观看,不需要下载播放器、方便广大影迷们欣赏。


  • 0.0HD甘南情歌李槐龙,德姬,普巴太,周桦
  • 3.0HD有毒的欲望:上瘾金善英
  • 0.0HD新藤真奈美,小原徳子,大西信满,黒住尚生,仁科亚季子,ぶっちゃあ
  • 0.0HD中字黄雀在后!冯绍峰,陶虹,黄觉,苏鑫,张海宇,黄梦莹,陈禹同,杨烨儿,涂松岩,樊登,黄曦彦
  • 0.0HD超意神探张家辉,张艺上,谭耀文,周励淇,梁永棋,洪天照,唐文龙,包文婧
  • 4.0DVD动物性本能Maxwell Caulfield,Jan-Michael Vincent,Shannon Whirry
  • 1.0HD玩物马东锡,李成延,闵智贤,奇周峯,卞约汉
  • 5.0HD色,戒梁朝伟,汤唯,陈冲,王力宏
  • 0.0HD中文草木人间吴磊,蒋勤勤,陈建斌,王佳佳,闫楠,吴彼,王宏伟,钱坤,鞠帛展,梁龙,五百,孙强,王川,马大智,吕星辰,陈禹同,陈佳宁,吴金鑫,杨棽,张楚文
  • 0.0HD灿烂的她惠英红,刘浩存,张子贤,刘欢,苇青,刘奕铁,胡宝森,廖银玥,葛四,鄂靖文,荣梓杉,余皑磊,钱锦,李祉默,林源
  • 4.0HD国语孤注一掷张艺兴,金晨,咏梅,王传君,王大陆,周也,孙阳,邓萃雯,林威,黄艺馨,王议伟,辛鹏,汤加文,刘敬宇,林韦辰,生港帅,洪助升,李东海
  • 0.0HD斗破苍穹3:除恶马伯骞,,李九霄,,高曙光,,姜武,,黄雯

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